Version History   5.7 released Jan 17, 2001 * Contains descriptions of 2900 Extensions. * Contains descriptions of 1065 Control Panels. * Contains descriptions of 200 Control Strip Modules. * Contains descriptions of 100 Contextual Menu Items. * Total of 4265 extensions, extensions, CSM and CMM plugins. * Better support for non English Mac OS. * Covers extensions and control panels from Mac OS 9.1. 5.6.1 released Dec 23, 2000 * Fixed a problem with the "Manage Your Fonts" button on OLD PPC machines running old versions of Mac OS. Extension Overload not longer quit or crash when the user clicks "Manage Your Fonts". * Also fixes a bug that appeared which stops email links appearing in any of the entries! 5.6 released Dec 13, 2000 * Contains descriptions of 2800 Extensions. * Contains descriptions of 1021 Control Panels. * Contains descriptions of 191 Control Strip Modules. * Contains descriptions of 91 Contextual Menu Items. * Total of 4103 extensions, extensions, CSM and CMM plugins. * A Control Strip Modules which allows you to luanch Extension Overload. * Dropped support for 68K and removed some unwanted resources. * Corrected some mistakes in the database and edited the text. * Improved the user interface for applications with Appearance installed. * Added support for Navigation Services if available. * Fixed a problem with the Apple menu items if FAX STF software was installed. * It inserts an item after the first separator that can change the order of items! * Added balloons for the new version of the main window. * Made email and web items into icons instead of buttons. * Added support for the DELETE key in list windows. * Fixed but with applications wanting Appearance Lib to be installed. * Improved navigation of lists by adding support for PageUp PageDown HOME and END keys. 5.5 released Nov 8, 2000 * Contains descriptions of 2735 Extensions. * Contains descriptions of 1000 Control Panels. * Contains descriptions of 181 Control Strip Modules. * Contains descriptions of 84 Contextual Menu Items. * Total of 4000 extensions, extensions, CSM and CMM plugins. * It lets you control CMM Plugins. * Fixes some errors with window handling on non english versions. * Fixed some missing data in the report generation. * Made the application more Appearance Savvy. * Remove easter egg Tidbits item. 5.4.2 released Oct 19, 2000 * Contains description of 3749 extensions, extensions and control strip modules * More URLs and emails have been updated * Better support for non English Mac OS. * Added code to remember all window positions and sizes! * Added a don't ask me again to the restart after moving files dialog. 5.4 released Sept 29, 2000 * Contains descriptions of 2596 extensions. * Contains descriptions of 954 control panels. * Contains descriptions of 150 Control Strip Modules. * Total of 3700 extensions, extensions and control strip modules * More URLs and emails have been updated * Better support for non English Mac OS. * Added the warning about changes and need to restart. * Fixed some bugs with the database displays. * Made the reporting better (for us with USB drivers and shared libs). 5.3 released Sept 1, 2000 * User can now manage control strip modules. * Contains descriptions of 2480 extensions. * Contains descriptions of 908 control panels. * Contains descriptions of 112 Control Strip Modules. * Total of 3500 extensions, extensions and control strip modules * More URLs and emails have been updated * Better support for non English Mac OS. * Updated the user manual. 5.2 released June 22, 2000 * Contains descriptions of 3300 extensions and control panels. * More URLs and emails have been updated * Better support for non English Mac OS. 5.1.1 released June 20, 2000 Fixed a problem with the serial number checking algorithms. If a user had entered a code incorrectly in earlier version they would get a message saying the code was not correct. The bad codes are now recognised and consequently fixed. 5.1 released June 15, 2000 * Contains descriptions of 3100 extensions and control panels. * Users can now manage Fonts! Yes! * More URLs and emails added. * Many details have been updated. * Better support for non English Mac OS. 5.0 released April 11, 2000 * Contains descriptions of 2950 extensions and control panels. * The 'Latest known version' is up-to-date with Mac OS 9.0.4. * Cosmetic changes and interface enhancements. * More URLs and emails added. * Many details have been updated. * Better support for non English Mac OS. * Fixed a bug in the error code search window. Could crash if the user scrolled to the bottom with VM turned off.